Re: Seeking Sans-Serif Alternative to Oregon LDO with Better Diacritic Support for Song Titles
Hmmph!1 -
Re: Optical typography
I deliberately didn’t comment on whether those concerns were valid. :)3 -
Re: Optical typography
It isn’t ‘treated’ as a scaling unit, it is the scaling unit. This concept is fundamental to all digital fonts, even bitmap fonts, even ACE fonts: a defined height within the unitised design space o…1 -
Re: About the Shift of Diacritical Marks When Adjusting letter-spacing in Safari
It definitely sounds like a WebKit bug, so I would report there, and maybe search for existing issues.3 -
Re: Optical typography
The horizontal advance width, on the other hand, is a box, and while glyphs are not constrained to that box their interactions are determined relative to it. cf. Problems of Adjacency.1